The Lagos Ministry of Health in collaboration with The Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON), and with support from PRB, is implementing the Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy to Expand Access to Safe Abortion (SAFE ENGAGE) Nigeria Task Force.
The objective of this Task Force is to provide, develop a multimedia advocacy resource that will showcase the latest evidence, frame the dialogue, influence resource investments, and guide policy action on the issue of safe abortion in Lagos.

Smiley faceThe ENGAGE presentations are part of a global initiative to raise awareness of the causes and consequences of unsafe abortion in Lagos State. Each presentation is developed for and targeted to the unique context. For this presentation, the overall objective is to highlight the importance of safe abortion access, the current challenges, and recommended actions. ENGAGE presentations, once developed, can be used as advocacy tools to raise awareness, initiate dialogue, and spur action on a policy or issue.

The ENGAGE package includes:
• “Clickable” presentation that narrator can deliver live
• Narrated video presentation
• User guide and key messages handout
• Duplicate languages as appropriate
The Task Force draws upon their expertise and experience to identify critical audiences, messages and concepts for this presentation. The Task Force will also identify critical opportunities to disseminate the ENGAGE to other key policy stakeholders. The Task Force plays a critical role: They decide on key advocacy goals and audiences, guide the development of the presentation and supplementary materials, identify champions who can present at high-level events, and inform and support a comprehensive communication strategy. The Task Force represents a variety of sectors: government, academia, and civil society. It ensures that we are using reliable, accurate, and acceptable data sources.
The Task Force will meet a total of four times, over the course of ten months, to review and give input to the presentation, become trained in how to use the presentation, and contribute. Thus far, the task force meeting has held twice, on September 17, 2018 and December 10, 2018.

SOGON Project – Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy to Expand Access to Safe Abortion (SAFE ENGAGE)